Open call for Youth Exchange

Open call for Youth Exchange “Empowering Youth to Create Their Own Websites”

Project Description

The main objective of our project is to empower youth to create their own websites and develop their digital skills and entrepreneurial mindsets. We plan to achieve this through a Youth Exchange that will bring together young people from different countries to participate in a structured learning program. This program will include a range of activities such as workshops, training sessions, and mentoring opportunities that will provide participants with the knowledge and skills needed to create and manage their own websites.


The objectives of our project from the perspective of youth work practice are to:

• Provide young people with the necessary knowledge and skills to design, create, and manage their own websites, as well as to develop their digital literacy and entrepreneurial mindset.

• Support young people in the development of their employability skills and increase their chances of accessing the labor market.

• Promote intercultural learning and understanding among young people from different cultural backgrounds, encouraging them to share their experiences and learn from each other.

• Foster the inclusion and active participation of young people with fewer opportunities in the project, and support them in the development of their skills and competencies.

• Encourage the use of sustainable and environmental-friendly practices in the activities, raising awareness among young people about the importance of protecting the environment.

• Encourage the active participation of young people in the digital economy

Youth Exchange Program

Dates: 15 – 21 April 2024

Location: Hotel and Spa Arena, Popova Shapka, N. Macedonia

Participants: 5 per country (4 participants + 1 group leader)

Countries: North Macedonia – Albania – Bulgaria – Türkiye

For more information and to get involved you can find on following link

Join us on this exciting journey of discovery, innovation, and empowerment. Together, let’s pave the way for a brighter future, one website at a time.

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